* We will response only none libel
ID : 881669
Title : Pub cleaner Wanted in Chinatown
=== Description ===
Number of people: One cleaner. (Female cleaner can do this job If you have work experience to clean bathroom and vacuum carpet floor)
Location: Sydney CBD (near Chinatown)
Time: From Monday to Sunday (7 days)
From 5:00 am to 8:00 am (3 hours / visit) or
From 6:00 am to 9:00 am
Your start time can be somewhat flexible. This job can begin anytime after 5 AM and must be completed by 9:30 AM that day.
Total: 21 hours / week.
Wage: $ 23.00 / hour for cash or $ 27.00 / hour for ABN holder.
We are looking for a cleaner to take on a cleaning job at a pub located near Chinatown. The cleaning tasks are not too difficult, but we are seeking someone who can consistently clean the pub within the given time. Please send a brief introduction and your cleaning experience via text, and we will get back to you as soon as we review your message
You should have a moderate level of understanding of English.
0433 295 911