
ขอแสดงความยินดี กับน้อง ARDIA MEAD ที่มีความสามารถ ทางด้าน เทนนิส จนได้รับทุนต่อ


21 May 2018 | Tennis SA

Thanks to the donations received through Tennis SA fundraising events like the WTC Legends’ Lunch and external charity events such as Adelaide’s Longest Lunch, the next generation of SA players and athletes with a disability will get access to better training and educational opportunities through the Ken McGregor Foundation.

A new initiative for the Ken McGregor Foundation this year was introducing a Regional Scholarship Grant, to raise awareness, funding and create a pathway for regional athletes.

It is with great pleasure that Tennis SA and the Ken McGregor Foundation announce support for SA Regional athlete, Ardia Mead.

Ardia with her tennis has represented the state over the past three years in both Foundation Cup competition, Regional/Country state team, and state rep in 13U and 15U Federation Cup Regional Tournament.

The cost of relocating and senior school education, especially private school tuition, is considerable. Plus the impact it has on a 15 year old girl and her family to make, and they needed help. While Ardia’s dream is to play professional tennis, this pathway and journey is also about opportunity and empowerment for young girls through sport.

Many of the funding channels Ardia applied for unfortunately did not come to fruition. After applying to various schools and being rejected she did not lose heart and was granted an interview with Pembroke School. After completing their process, the school recognised the great attributes this young lady possesses and have awarded her school entry for years 11 and 12. This is a fantastic outcome and a huge achievement for her and all that were involved in this journey.

Ardia will also receive funding to help with travel expenses associated with playing more tournaments in the Metro area and towards her journey into Pembroke next year.

In her own words Ardia says,”With the growing support and funding I am receiving, I feel even more encouraged in trying to better myself, not just as a tennis player but also as a student. Knowing there are people willing to help in my journey, I am growing more aware of my dream to play professional tennis”.

Over the coming months Ardia will play a schedule of Metro tournaments. Over the next 12 months the Sandon Stolle (National Academy Coach) and his team at Tennis SA will support her Tennis and Strength and Conditioning programs.

If you’d like to support Ardia’s dream, please visit Ardia’s profile page on Australian Sports Foundation and make a tax deductible donation: https://asf.org.au/athletes/ardia-mead

If you’d like to support the Ken McGregor Foundation, please visit the KMF profile page on Australia Sports Foundation and make a tax deductible donation: https://asf.org.au/projects/tennis-sa

To apply for funding, please download the documents on the KMF website and email your application form to sareception@tennis.com.au.



Pimkamon Sasi-athiwat 2018-05-27 10:00:19 2899